
Change of registration address

Company registration address is required for all companies or institutions registered and established in Lithuania. It is common practice to register the company’s registered office in the premises where the company’s activities will take place. However, if you do not have your own premises or do not need them for your activities (for example, you

Changing the manual

Change of the manager – the decision on the change of the manager of the company (UAB, MB or other) is made by the competent body (general meeting of shareholders / members, board). The adopted decision must be submitted for registration to the Register of Legal Entities not later than within 5 calendar days from

Change of MB manager and member

Customers often ask whether an MB member can also be an MB manager. Yes, if at the time of founding the MB such form of partnership management was chosen, when the management bodies are two – the meeting of participants and the manager and when the small partnership has a sole management body – the

Share rewriting

According to the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, shares are securities confirming the right of their owner (shareholder) to participate in the management of the company, unless otherwise provided by law, the right to receive dividends, the right to part of the company’s assets remaining after liquidation and other statutory rights. The

JADIS (Information system for participants in legal entities)

The purpose of the Information System for Participants of Legal Entities (hereinafter referred to as JADIS) is to collect data on participants in legal entities by means of information technology and to provide them to natural and legal persons entitled to receive them. JADIS currently collects data on shareholders of private limited companies, members of