Why company is better

  • Company does not need to by computer, account program, table and so on.
  • Company does not need to pay phone bills.
  • Company does not need to be on holiday.
  • Company does not drink coffee, does not use your power, does not ill, does not late, does not tell the secrets.
  • Company does not need to pay bonuses.
  • Company employs not a single specialist, but all team.
  • Company is not afraid of tax inspection.
  • Company communicates with many customers; it might be a good intermediate for your business.
  • Company will not run off from the job leaving all losses for company manager (comparison of responsibility), because company has insurance.
  • It is easier to „dismiss“ or to change company than an accountant.
  • Company will reduce the cost of the services if there is less work to do, while accountant salary is protected by Labor law.